After much revision, we've come to a better protocol, where the server can infer things about the messages it is sending by the opcode and such. The login handshake is also now extremely secure, so you won't ever have to worry about people breaking into the server and stealing your password, or somebody figuring out your password from the information you are sending with a dictionary attack or something like that.
You may also notice that the name of the protocol has changed. This is because we're also trying to couple this as loosely to NullpoMino itself as is possible. In order to have some interoperability between games, we're trying to generalize things so other games can talk with this protocol. For example, myndzi is writing a JavaScript game which will use SPP.
SPP 1.0 Spec
SPP opcode table
I'll have to thank myndzi for his input during this discussion, as his expertise with the IRC protocol (which in turn inspired this one) was very helpful.
hi sisu happy new year~
ReplyDeleteOnly difference haengpae Koreans came to snatching NullpoMino netplay hinders the gameplay is cheeky bastards deportation IP lookup or a game I want to know is possible.
AI Bot Poochy Defense, I want for nothing. Tetris is a little more comfortable for people to be able
I encounter a problem where even if you run the installer in English, the bottom text appears in Japanese if you're using a Japanese computer.